C400 - Access Control Settings

The C400 clocking terminal allows connection to access control devices (door mag-locks etc).  We always advise that customers consult an Access Control specialist engineer to discuss their specific requirements.

Using the ADMIN card log into the menus.

Select the ACCESS CONTROL menu item

In here are several options (1 Access Control Options, 2. Time Schedule, 3. Holidays, 4. Access Groups, 5. Combined Verification, 6. Duress Options)

1. Access Control Options

In here are the following options (1. Door Lock Delay (s), 2 Retry Time to Alarm, 3. NC Time Period, 4. NO Time Period, 5. Vaild Holiday, 6. Reset Access Settings)

1.1 Door Lock Delay (s) - The allows you to set the amount of time in seconds that the door lock will stay open

1.2 Retry Time to Alarm - If an alarm is also connected to to the system and alarm can be triggered if (x) number of failed clocking attempts are made

1.3 NC Time Period - Currently NOT Used

1.4 NO Time Period - Currently NOT Used

1.5 Vaild Holiday - Currently NOT Used

1.6 Reset Access Settings - This will reset all setting to factory default.

2. Time Schedule

In here you can set times that the Access Control feature will work.  We ALWAYS advise leaving this at 00:00 - 23:50.  If changes are made, then times that you change are the the times that employees can your the Access Control to open a door.  e.g. 08:00 - 17:00.  If someone tried to gain access at 07:59 the door/barrier would not open or if they tried to exit at 17:01 they would not be able to (unless system has a manual over-ride button for out of hours)

3. Holidays

This feature allows you to set up a holiday that would over-ride the time periods (e.g Christmas Day, Easter Sunday etc)

4. Access Groups

This feature is not currently supported

5. Combined Verification

This feature is not currently supported

6. Duress Options

This feature allows you to setup an additional fingerprint so that in the event of a robbery or similar, pressing a different finger to the normal one used can trigger an alarm.

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