Using A PIN - Fingerprint Terminals

If employees cannot use their fingerprints, PIN codes can be issued to the staff member.  

Below are the instructions for setting a PIN for your employees.

Create the PIN
1. Open the Clockrite software
2. Click on the Employee icon.
3. Navigate to the employee(s) who needs a PIN
4. Click on the Confidential tab
5. Input a unique 4 digit PIN for the employee in the PIN Number (For use with PC terminal) field - (bottom of the screen)
6. Click on the Save icon

follow the above for any other staff who require a PIN

Sending the PIN to the clock
7. Click on the clock Icon on the top toolbar (clock operations)
8. Click on the clock icon on the bottom window that opened (open clock download utility)
9. Click on the SEND button to send employees (using either network or USB depending on your system set up)
10. If your clock is connected on the network then proceed to the next section. If you download via USB stick then you need to follow the rest of the standard USB upload procedure, as if you were uploading new staff names. See the link below for instructions if necessary.

Employee Procedure
The employee needs to follow this procedure to clock in and out at the terminal
1. Employee types in their unique 3 digit id number then presses M/OK ( e.g. 101) - This can be seen in their employee window in the ClockRite software
2. Employee types in their PIN and presses OK ( e.g. 1234) - They should then get an audible confirmation of the clocking as if they'd scanned a fingerprint

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