ClockRite Solo Manual

ClockRite Solo

ClockRite Solo: Updated 05/03/19 for Version and above

ClockRite Solo is designed to download data from ClockRite clocks and save in a CSV file which can be used by customers for their own software. It can also upload employee names and numbers to the clocks.


This should only be carried out on ONE computer. Running the program on more than one computer at a time is likely to lock up the clocks.

  1. Create a folder called that will be for data, for example C:\ClockRite.
  2. Extract the application from the attached zip file to the above location.
  3. Right Click the ClockRiteSolo.exe and run as Administrator.


Go to; File > Setup

1.      Data Location:   Set the data location to the folder you created for data storage (C:\ClockRite).

2.      Start Application with Windows - tick to start with Windows.

3.      Minimize on Start - tick to start in the System tray.

4.      Poll automatically:   Tick this box if you want the progra to poll the clocks automatically, you have two options;

  • At set intervals, set the interval in minutes using the Up/Down control
  • On schedule, to create a time for a download. Set the time in hours and minutes using the Up/Down control and click ‘Add’. To remove a time, select it in the list and click ‘Remove’
  • You can disable an individual time by un-ticking the box next to the relevant time.

Clock Details:   Enter the following for each clock

  1. IP Address such as
  2. Port Number, this is 4370 by default unless accessing the clock through a router.
  3. Description, being any text to describe the clock such as ‘Office’, ‘Workshop’ etc.
  4. Reference, this is included in the output file to show which clock the clocking was made at. It can be anything you wish such as 1 or A or Clock1...

From Version

Option to save the data in FULL ClockRite format; Click the appropriate radio button for the desired format

Click OK to save the changes


Click Poll to manually poll the clocks, the status is shown on the screen

Click Names to send names to the clocks from a CSV File

If automatic polling is enabled and you minimize the program, it will sit in the system tray. When in the system tray, right click the icon to show or exit the programme.


If an error is encountered, such as a clock does not respond then the programme will carry on to the next clock or stage BUTwill log the Error.

A notification is shown on the screen that an Error has occurred. To view the Error file, click Help|View Error Log.

Output and Names Files

  1. If CSV format is chosen then the data is saved in a CSV file called ClockRiteData.csv in the set folder.
  2. If ClockRite format is chosen then the data is saved in a file called ClockRiteData.dat

The format of the CSV output is: EmployeeID,Date,Time,InOutMode,VerifyMode,Workcode,ClockRef



  1. Employee ID    The Employee's clock number
  2. Date                 In the format DD/MM/YY
  3. Time                 In the format HH:MM (24 hour clock)
  4. InOutMode       Integer indicating the type of clocking (if supported by the device)
    1. 0 = Clock-In (Default or Unknown)
    2. 1 = Clock-Out
    3. 2 = Break-Out
    4. 3 = Break-In
    5. 4 = Overtime-In
    6. 5 = Overtime-Out
    7. 255 = Unknown
  5. VerifyMode      Integer indicating the method used to make the clocking (if supported by the device)
    1. 0 = Password or Unknown (Default)
    2. 1 = Fingerprint
    3. 2 = RFID Card
  6. Workcode        Integer as entered or configured in the device if used (defaults to 0 if not used)
  7. ClockRef          The reference used for the clock in the setup screen (if no reference has been setup, it will default to ‘Unknown’)

Employee Names

A CSV File can be created by the customer and sent to the clocks. The format should be: EmployeeID,EmployeeName


101,Joe Bloggs

102,Fred Smith


When ClockRite Solo starts and the PC is connected to the internet, it will check for any updates and if found please click OK to install the update. You can choo0se to skip if you wish but the updates are usually bug fixes to make your life easier.

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