ADMS/ClockRite - Daily Operating Routine
Managing Attendance Data
First of all export the attendance data from ADMS
Data > Transaction (Software menu option)

Filter the screen by date range by clicking ‘time’ then ‘Range’
The ADMS transaction screen will now be filtered by the selected date range. Check to make sure the lookup is suitable then click on ‘Export’.

A pop up window will display, choose ‘ Transactions Excel’
Click ‘ Submit’
This will download an Excel file to your PC. Save this to your desired location

The next stage is to import the data into ClockRite
Importing Data
Open the clock operations screen
Click on ‘Open clock download utility’

This opens the ‘ClockRite S200 Clock Utility’. Tick the ‘CSV File’ box, click ‘Download’

This process will import the attendance data into ClockRite were you can manage the attendance records as normal.