Open the ClockRite Software and click on the Clock Icon on the top toolbar, followed by the Clock Operations Icon on the lower toolbar to open the Clock Utility.
Select he 'Download from Terminals' tab to view download options and select the clock you want to download from under 'Network Clock'
Click Download to download the information. Once this has completed click close and let the information load into ClockRite.
Open the Time & Attendance screen.
Once inside the Time & Attendance screen, click the 'Refresh' button on the lower toolbar or select the desired week from the drop-down box labelled 'Week Ending' to load new clocking data into the Time & Attendance Screen.
Attendance records for the first Current employee will be shown, with clocking's running left to right beside each corresponding day.
When Attendance Records are complete, the hours to pay will be displayed beside the corresponding day in the lower half of the screen.
If hours are not displayed in the lower half of the screen, clocking data may be missing, or erroneous. If this is the case, the 'Status' column will display an Uneven Clocking's message in red, and hours for that day will have to be manually amended. Uneven Clocking's are most commonly caused by:
1. A missed clocking (the employee forgot to clock in/out)
2. An extra clocking (the employee clocked in/out twice by mistake)
3. Other attendance exceptions, such as late starts and booked absences, are also shown in the 'Status' column.
To move to the next Employee, click the 'Next button on the lower toolbar or select a specific employee from the 'Employee' drop-down box. Attendance records should be regularly reviewed for each employee to ensure Reports are accurate.
The 'Next Discrepancy' button on the lower toolbar can be used to quickly find attendance exceptions.
If you don't want to amend a discrepancy, right click on it and select 'Mark/Unmark OK' to clear it from the Status bar. 'Mark All Ok' will clear all Status notifications currently on the screen. Note that Uneven Clocking's must be corrected in order for the Software to properly calculate total hours.
To Add a Missing Clocking
Click on the next available blank box on the day in question and enter a clocking time in 24 hour format
Press the enter key. The software will automatically re-order the clocking's, you do not need to move or edit the existing clocking's.
To Delete a Clocking
Click on the clocking in question and press the delete key on the keyboard.
Press the enter key
To Amend a Clocking
Click on the clocking in question and overtype it with the correct information.
Press the enter key.
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