Access Control - Clocking Terminal Wiring - Separate Power Supply

This is a guide and is for electricians and Access Control engineers ONLY

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Type of lock

It is important to use the correct lock for the application in use; there are two types of lock:

Normally Closed (NC) This type requires dedicated power for the lock to by locked, if the power fails, the door will be opened so you need to consider how to door is used and the security implications should the power fail. THIS IS OUR PREFERRED option.

Normally Open (NO) This type does NOT REQUIRES power in order for the lock to by locked, it is locked until power is applied. if the power fails, the door will be LOCKED so you need to consider how to door is used and the implications should the power fail, the lock must have another means of being opened (key)

Power options

The locks can be powered in two ways, either with their own power supply or from the ClockRite terminal. If there is a long cable run form the terminal to the lock, then the lock should use its own power supply,

Wiring Circuits

Powered by separate power supply (PSU) (Note: Use the Yellow wire (NC1) for Normally closed systems OR the Blue (NO1) for Normally open systems NOT BOTH)

****IMPORTANT - Some terminal wiring can be different colours.  Please check you are connecting to the correct terminal name IMPORTANT*****

Practical Diagram using connecting block

(Note: Use the Yellow wire (NC1) for Normally closed systems OR the Blue (NO1) for Normally open systems NOT BOTH)

****IMPORTANT - Some terminal wiring can be different colours.  Please check you are connecting to the correct terminal name IMPORTANT*****

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