Timepro - Compact - 7. Closing Jobs (Hours per Job Basis, Upgrade Option)
Closing Jobs (Hours per Job Basis, Upgrade Option)
A job should be ‘closed’ in TimePro Compact when all work has been completed on the job. TimePro Compact uses the open/closed status to determine the Work in Progress figures. As mentioned in the section above, ‘Per Job Basis’, you can close a job after updating sold hours. You can also Close / Reopen a job at any time by clicking the button on the toolbar.
To Close/Reopen several jobs at once, click the you can select multiple jobs by holding the shift or control keys down and clicking on the job numbers you wish to close. To sort the jobs by date order, click the ‘Order by Date’ option. To see closed jobs, click the ‘Show Open Jobs’ check box (This option is not available on the Pre Time version of TimePro Compact.)