Sage MicroPay Export
Exporting to Sage
These instructions apply to ClockRite version 4.0.255 on
Sage Setup
In ClockRite, select File | Sage Setup
There are two versions of Sage supported by ClockRite, Sage Payroll 50 and Sage Micropay, select the radio button for the version of Sage that you have. IMPORTANT you must choose the correct version of Sage before making any other settings. Once set,
Set the path using the Browse button:
1. CSV file location. This is the path you wish to export the CSV files to
Sage Link (Pay Elements): Sage uses ‘Pay Elements’ (called ‘Payments’ in Sage Micropay) to define different pay levels (basic, overtime etc). In ClockRite we have up to five rates of pay, Rate 1 is usually basic then the other rates will be overtime such as time and third, time and half etc. A link needs to be created between the rates in ClockRite and the elements used in Sage.
It is possible that there are more pay elements in Sage than rates in ClockRite. For example, some employees may be paid (in Sage) on a multiplier for overtime and there would be elements for Time and Third, Time and Half, Double Time etc. other employees may be paid on a monetary value for overtime and there will be elements for pay values.
Before setting up ClockRite you need to work out the options used in Sage and how they relate to the ClockRite pay rates. Make a list similar to the one below and put the numbers of the Sage Elements below the relevant ClockRite pay rate. You will need to review each employee to see how the elements have been assigned. Let’s assume that sage has the following elements setup:
1. Basic
2. Time and Third (Multiplier)
3. Time and Half (Multiplier)
4. Double time (Multiplier)
5. Overtime 1 (Rate)
6. Overtime 2 (Rate)
7. Overtime 3 (Rate)
So if you had two groups of employees, one paid by pay multiplier and one by rate, your list would look like this:
The complexity of the customers pay systems will determine how long your list is; it will be at least one line but could be several lines.
Once you have established the various permutations of pay elements, set up the links in ClockRite as follows:
Click the ‘New Paylink’ button on the lower toolbar; this will add a link called ‘Sage Link 1’, using the list you have made, enter the appropriate element number for each Pay Rate in ClockRite, if a rate is not used, leave it at zero. To add additional Paylinks, click the ‘New’ button on the toolbar, these will be numbered 2, 3 etc. using the example above, the setup screen will look like this:
Setting up Employees
Before setting up employees, you will find it helpful to make a list of the employees and note the following information from Sage:
In ClockRite, open the employee screen and click on the ‘Sage Options’ tab.
The Sage tab shows various options for how an employee may be set up in Sage. This information is only used for you to filter employees when passing data from ClockRite to Sage. For example you can do only employees that are have a Weekly pay frequency and are in the Service department. The settings have no influence on the way ClockRite works or the ClockRite reports.
For each employee, enter the following information:
1. Sage Pay Frequency: Select from the drop down list
2. Sage Paylink Group: Select from the drop down list (these are the groups you created in the Setup screen)
3. Sage Employee Reference: You must enter the Sage reference number for the employee. For Sage Micropay this must match exactly such as 0001 (not 1)
If you do not wish data to be exported for a particular employee, leave the Sage Employee reference as zero if using Sage Payroll 50 or blank if using Sage Micropay
If you are going to pay absences AND are using Sage Pay elements for absences, open the ClockRite Absences screen and click on the ‘Absence Codes’ Tab
Against each absence, enter the appropriate Sage Element code. If you enter the same code against two different absences, the times will be amalgamated. For example, you may record holidays and bank holidays separately in ClockRite but have only one element in sage ‘Holiday’ in this case, assign the element reference from Sage to both Holiday and Bank Holiday in ClockRite. Note: do not assign a Sage element that is used against one of the pay rates to an absence, if you do this, any time spent on the absence will overwrite the time spent allocated to the pay rate.
Note on absences.
In ClockRite, you can pay an absence at two different rates, due to programming issues with Sage it is not possible to transfer the absence in this way so all such absences will be paid at basic pay.
Transferring data from ClockRite to Sage
Before any data can be transferred, all attendance errors must be corrected in ClockRite.
In ClockRite, open the Attendance screen and click the ‘Refresh’ button on the lower toolbar.
Click the ‘Post / Export to Sage’ button on the lower toolbar.
This will show the Sage export screen. Here you can choose the employees you wish to export data for, you can filter the employees with any combination of company, group, Sage pay frequency, Sage department and Sage paylink group. (If using Sage Micropay, you must select the period number from the drop down list) and choose the date range to be covered. Information can only be posted retrospectively.
Output to Sage
You export the data to a CSV file and then use the import facility in Sage.
You can include absences in the output data, if you do not wish to output any absence information, uncheck the ‘Include Absences’ box. If you do include absences, you have the option to either use Sage Pay elements for each absence or include the absence hours in the basic hours.
Exporting data
1. Ensure all attendance errors have been corrected in ClockRite
2. Book any absences for the period in ClockRite
3. Open the export screen and select the employees and options you require
4. Click the OK button
A CSV file, file will have been created in the location set in the Sage setup screen. The file name is ‘ClockRite export for dd-mm-yy, hh-mm.csv’ (dd-mm-yy, hh-mm represents the date and time the file is created)
Sage Payroll 50
In Sage, click ‘Wizards’ on the menu then ‘Data Import | Import Sage Payroll Data..’ This will start the import wizard, from the list of templates, choose ‘Employee Payments (Hours and Rates)’ and then browse to the location and select the file you have just created in ClockRite. Click ‘Finish’ to import the data into Sage.
Sage Micropay
It is important to note that any data imported from ClockRite will only overwrite data for those employees. Sage resets the hours to be used in the ‘Enter Time & Data’ screen to any defaults that you may have setup for your employees when you run the ‘End of Period’ routine. You may wish to reset these defaults to zero so you can easily see which employees have been updated after the import from ClockRite.
To import the data, click ‘Enter Time & Data’ in Sage Micropay:
1. Select ‘Import’ as the entry method
2. Browse to the file location and choose the LATEST file you have created in ClockRite NOTE: Sage ‘remembers’ the last file that you used and shows that file in the ‘File location’ box, ALWAYS browse to the latest file
3. Click ‘Continue’
4. Sage will then show the employees it has imported data for, click ‘Save Timesheets’
You can now complete the payroll process in Sage as normal, remember that if you have only processed selected employees in ClockRite, to select the same employees for processing in Sage. (Sage Payroll 50)