Shift Wizard

Configuring Shifts in the ClockRite Software

Shift configuration allows you to alter or refine the way your ClockRite Software tracks attendance to better fit the needs of your business. Using Shifts, you can track lateness, set roundings, and manage overtime policies, among other things. This page contains a brief explanation of how Shifts work, followed by an interactive guide that you can follow when creating your own Shifts. 

If you have made alterations to existing Day Rules, Shifts, or Shift Groups and want to apply these changes to existing T&A data, please  see here.
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How Shifts Work

Shift settings are accessed using the 'Shift Setup' icon on the top toolbar

Shifts consist of three component parts; Day Rules, Shifts, and Shift Groups

  • Day Rules are the building blocks; used to set start and finish times, define grace and roundings, and assign daily overtime hours on a given day. Day Rules can apply to multiple days (an 'early shift', for example), or to a single day (such as an early finish on a Friday). For a detailed breakdown of Day Rules functions, see our Day Rule Glossary.   
  • A Shift represents one possible pattern of work over the course of a week. Shifts are created by adding the relevant Day Rule to each day of the working week. 
  • Shift Group holds all the Shifts an employee or group of employees might work, and can be assigned to employees in the Employees Screen. If a Shift Group contains more than one Shift, ClockRite will determine which Shift an employee should be assigned to based on their first IN clocking of the day.  

The Diagram below uses a common 'Early Shift / Late Shift" pattern to illustrate the relationship between  Day RulesShifts, and Shift Groups. In this example only four day rules would be required; 'Early Shift, Late Shift, Saturday, and Sunday.' These are then applied to the relevant days of the week as part of a Shift, and the resulting 'Early Shift' and 'Late Shift' are then added to the 'Mechanics' Shift Group. Click on the image to enlarge it. 

Follow the links below for help in setting up your Shift Patterns. Before you start, it's a good idea to  configure your Overtime Rates if you haven't already done so.

Step 1: Create your Day Rule(s)

Step 2: Add the Day Rule(s) to a Shift

Step 3: Add the Shift(s) to a Shift Group


Any changes made to Day Rules, Shifts, and Shift Groups will only apply from the day on which they are made. If you wish to process data collected previously under these new parameters you must tell ClockRite to recalculate. Recalculations are made in the Time & Attendance Screen

Select the Employee(s) whose records you wish to recalculate and set the date range. ClockRite will process existing data according to your new shift rules.

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