Changing an Employee's Keyfob/Badge Number


In this article

Changing the Proximity ID Number

To change the employee badge number without altering the employee number can be done by following the below:

1. Navigate to the Employee Window

2. Locate the employee you need to change the badge number for using the arrows or find.

3. Change the badge number field to match the ID found of the Proximity Keyfob or Card.

5. **IMPORTANT - Once a new badge number is issued you then need to update the clocking terminal.**


1. If you were to try and use a badge ID that was already in use you would get the message below:

2. To free up spare fobs, once you put someone on hold it sets their badge ID to "0" so that you can use it for someone else if needed,

In the previous example you would then use the badge attached to "101" to clock on for employee 102.

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