Getting Started - 6.2 - Registering Fingerprints (C240)

Registering Fingerprints on the C240 Clocking Terminal

Please ensure you have created your Employee Profiles in the ClockRite Software and sent them to the Clocking Terminal before attempting to register Fingerprints.

You'll need your Admin Card, and the ClockRite ID numbers of each person you wish to enroll (found under each person's Employee record in the ClockRite Software). 


Press the Menu button and swipe the Admin card in front of the keypad to access the Admin Menu


Select the 'User Manage' option and press  OK 


Select 'Enroll User' and press  OK

Select 'Enrol FP' and press OK. The screen will show 'NEW ENROLL'. You MUST press the ESC Key at this point.  
You will now see a screen showing the first of the ClockRite ID numbers associated with each of your Employees


Use the arrow keys to scroll through the ID numbers until you find the user you wish to enroll. Press OK to confirm


The screen will now show 'Place Finger', with a dash and a number next to the user's ID. This number indicates the number of the finger being registered; -1 for the first finger, -2 for the second, and so on


Ask the user to place their finger on the green illuminated area of the Clocking Terminal. Each finger must be placed on the reader three times, and users should remove the finger between each 'press'. The screen will track the number of presses per finger as in the screenshot below. If your users are finding it difficult to register a clear print, click here for some tips. 


Once a fingerprint has registered successfully the Terminal will give you the option to OK (SAVE). You can now register more fingerprints for this user, or use the ESC option to find another. 

If the quality of registration is too low you will see the message 'Input Again'. The user will need to re-register, taking care to press gently but firmly and not to move their finger on the reader. 

If a finger has been previously registered you will see the message 'FP ENROLLED ALREADY'. In this case the user should register a different fingerprint. 

Users can start clocking as soon as their Fingerprint profiles are registered. If some people are having difficulty it's usually down to the quality of the initial registration. Particularly dirty hands can confuse the Terminal, so we'd recommend asking users to wash their hands before clocking if they're working with them during the day. 

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