Getting Started - 2 - Enrolling Employees

Step 2: Enrolling Employees in the ClockRite Software

Your ClockRite System is licensed for a certain number of employees (25, 50, 100, 200, etc). When the System is new, all spaces are filled with 'Unknown Employee' placeholders, intended to be overwritten with your own staff. If you require more capacity than your current licence, please contact us for an upgrade. 
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In this Article

Adding New Employees


Click on the ClockRite desktop icon to launch the ClockRite Software 


Click the Employees button on the  top toolbar to access the Employees Screen. 


The System will display the first record, numbered 101 and named Unknown Employee. This is the first of the placeholders to be overwritten with your own staff. 


Ensure the 'Status' field is set to Current using the dropdown box. This activates the record in the Software and ensures any clockings made against it will be recorded and displayed.


Overtype Unknown Employee with the name of the first staff member you would like to enrol. Use both a first and last name (Allen Apple) or an initial and a last name (A Apple). Avoid using symbols, punctuation, or hyphens, as these may result in errors. Click anywhere inside the 'Clock Name' field. The Clock Name will change to match the Employee's name unless it is greater than 18 characters, in which case it will be abbreviated.


The Proxy ID or Badge number field is used to assign a Keyfob or Card to the employee. When an employee is set to hold the Keyfob/Card will automatically be unassigned so that is is ready to be assigned to another employee. 


Click the next arrow on the lower toolbar to move to the next Unknown Employee. While it is possible to set Employee's Shift Group, Overtime Rule, and Group (Department) in this screen, we recommend completing the Getting Started Guide before doing so.

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