While fingerprint clocking is generally very reliable, some users may have difficulty for the following reasons:
1) Poor initial registration
The terminal recognises users based on their initial registration. If the initial registration is poor, the terminal will find it more difficult to match subsequent fingerprint scans to the user profile. In this case the user's fingerprints should be re-registered. Fingerprint issues can often be resolved by obtaining a more consistent registration.
2) Dry hands
Some users can find it difficult to clock in and out if they have particularly dry hands. This situation can often be alleviated by moistening the fingertip, either by hand-washing immediately prior to clocking or by breathing onto the fingertip to moisten it. If this does not work, consider re-registration.
3) Damaged fingerprints
Damage to and abrasion of the fingerprint are common causes of clocking errors. All ClockRite systems have the capacity to register multiple fingerprints per staff member, so it's always best to register two or three fingerprints per user to circumvent potential issues.
Re-Registering Fingerprints
You'll need your Admin Card.
This process may differ slightly depending on the model of your Clocking Terminal. Please check the images below against the menu screen and follow the relevant steps.
Terminals purchased before October 2019
Terminals purchased after October 2019
Deleting Existing Fingerprint Profiles
Deleting Existing Fingerprint Profiles
Press M/OK or M/↵ and present the Admin card to enter the menus.
Use the arrow keys to navigate to User Manage.
Navigate to Manage
Use the arrow keys to locate the required user in the list and press M/OK or M/↵ to select them
Select Del User (this will not delete the user)
Select Delete Fingerprint
Answer OK to any messages, and use ESC to exit all menus.
Press the M/OK or M/↵ button and swipe the Admin card in front of the keypad to access the menus
Select the User Mgt. icon and press OK
Select All Users and press OK
Use the arrow keys to navigate the list of users to find the required user
Press OK to select the user, then select Delete, and Delete Fingerprint Only
Press OK to confirm the deletion, and ESC to exit the menus
Re-Registering Fingerprints
Re-Registering Fingerprints
Press M/OK or M/↵ and present the Admin card to enter the menus.
Use the arrow keys to navigate to User Manage.
Navigate to Manage
Use the arrow keys to locate the required user in the list and press M/OK or M/↵ to select them
Press M/OK or M/↵ and navigate to the Edit option
The Enroll FP (Fingerprint) option will be pre-selected. Press OK
Ask the user to place their finger on the green, illuminated fingerprint scanner. The Terminal will display an image of the fingerprint, and assign it a 'Quality' rating. It's best to aim for 80% or more, as this minimises the risk of errors in the future. Each fingerprint needs to be registered three times, and the terminal will display a 'tick' to confirm each successful registration. Users should remove the finger between each registration. If your users are finding it difficult to register a clear print, click here for some tips. (password = 1234)
Once the first finger has been registered, press OK to continue to the next. We recommend registering at least two fingers per employee.
When all required fingers have been registered, press ESC to return to the previous screen. To return to the list of users press ESC again and finally OK to save. You should now see a figure detailing the number of registered fingerprints against the name of the person you have enrolled.
Press the M/OK or M/↵ button and swipe the Admin card in front of the keypad to access the menus
Select the User Mgt. icon and press OK
Select All Users and press OK
Use the arrow keys to navigate the list of users to find the person you intend to enrol.
Press OK to select the user, and OK again to enter the Edit menu
Select Fingerprint and press OK. You will be asked to select the finger you wish to enroll. Move between fingers with the arrow keys and press OK to select your desired finger.
Ask the user to place their finger on the green, illuminated fingerprint scanner. The Terminal will display an image of the fingerprint, and assign it a 'Quality' rating. It's best to aim for 80% or more, as this minimises the risk of errors in the future. Each fingerprint needs to be registered three times, and the terminal will display a 'tick' to confirm each successful registration. Users should remove the finger between each registration. If your users are finding it difficult to register a clear print, click here for some tips. (password = 1234)
Once the fingerprint is successfully registered the terminal will return to the Edit screen. Select Fingerprint again to enroll additional fingerprints as required. We recommend registering at least two fingers per employee.
When all required fingerprints have been registered, press ESC to exit the menus
Video Guide
If users are still experiencing clocking issues following re-registration, consider using the ID Number Lookup feature.
Registration Best Practice
All registrations should look similar to the image on the right. In this example the entire fingerprint is clear and defined, with no smudges or distortions.
It's best to be gentle but firm, and important not to move or roll the finger until the quality rating has been given.
In this example only the tip of the finger has registered.
It's important to register the entire fingerprint, applying pressure evenly on the reader.
In this example the fingerprint is distorted due to movement or rolling the finger during registration.
It's important to keep the finger stationary, and not press too hard.
Each fingerprint is registered 3 times. If these registrations differ significantly the user may have trouble clocking. It's important to be consistent across all three registrations of each fingerprint.
ID Number Lookup
If users are still experiencing issues following re-registration, you may wish to consider using the Terminal's ID Lookup feature. This allows the user to input their ClockRite ID prior to clocking, pre-identifying them to the Terminal and allowing the scanner to match the user against their individual record alone, as opposed to searching the entire database for a match.
Ensure the user knows their individual ClockRite ID number (101, 124, 175 etc). This can be found against their employee record in the ClockRite software, under the Number heading.
Before making a clocking, the user should enter their ID number and press M/OK or M/↵ to confirm
The Terminal will then prompt the user to present their fingerprint